lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


    SONG: Leiva - Pólvora 

My favorite sport is horse riding. I've been riding horses since I was 8 years old. It all started when my aunt took me to Cruz to do a horse route in the mountains.

This first experience riding horses marked a before and an after to me, as that summer I started attending classes to a lovely school near the sea in la Maruca. There, I learnt the basis. But, as time passed by, I started my jumping lessons, which was the most satisfying part of all.

Apart from the previously mentioned aspects, I enjoy horse riding because of the affective bond a person and his or her horse establish. I couldn't explain with words how this kind of relationships progress, but I can state that the horse I usually ride cheers up when I approach its stall. Besides, when riding, it is absolutely different to ride a horse that already knows you than one that doesn't.

In brief, horse riding is my favourite sport, not just due to how wonderful it is to jump and gallop, but also because of the bond that has been established between my horse and me.

                                                      By A.D.C.

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016


SONG: Vetusta Morla - Maldita dulzura 

Downloading music and films from the Internet has been a controversial issue these last years as it has many different points of view and, in order to have an opinion about it, we have to consider all of them.

On the one hand, companies are forced to spend millions of dollars catching pirates each year, which cuts into their profit. This makes them raise the prices of their products, whether they are movies or music. In this sense, being a pirate not only hurts you, but all of us.

However, piracy has been the key to some bands' success, as people can discover a band by downloading a few songs and then starting being interested in them.

On the other hand, everyone has the right to access to culture, which of course includes films and music. Moreover, nowadays famous singers earn money not just by selling CDs, but by people going to their concerts and also thanks to the merchandising.

Summing up, we all have to be conscious of the hard work behind a movie or a song, and appreciate it. But, in my opinion, culture should not be a privilege to the rich ones, as we all have the right to it, one way or another.

                                                                  By A.D.C.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

110. THE WORLD IN THE YEAR 2050 , by A.R (Bachillerato 2)

SONG: Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms

By 2050 mankind might have witnessed many things, and not all of them desirable. It depends on what of the present factors are developed and in what ways. For example, by then, we could be colonizing Mars as a result of the necessity of a non-polluted planet, or we could be under the shadow of the growing Global North Korean Empire. Who knows?

In my opinion, by then, science will have solved many of our current largest problems such as the huge cattle’s methane emissions, or the eternal debate about the question “Goku or Superman?”, and that, as far as I can see, will help humanity to gather under a common flag and fight against the aliens which (of course) will have come to explore us with their sophisticated neutrinos anal catheters. Actually, the aliens will come from Sinmorphotely, a destroyed system orbiting Alpha-Taurus-57229 (called by them Zatpek), looking for a carbon-based way of life with which they can be nourished. After a short but intense war led in the human block by a coalition PP-PSOE, we will be defeated and enslaved as herd for the sinmorfotelians, and damned to an everlasting condition of breed of a homeless wandering race in the cold colossal deceased space. We will wake up and look around us, we will be lost in the space, and the time will be our own…

That is what will happen in 2050. It has been revealed to me just like that in dreams, when the stars look different, like today, and when Zatpek lines up with Arcturus and Polaris. But please, say nothing to the doctor, he thinks I am mad, he says Philosophy classes are driving me crazy. Do you believe it? He says it is impossible. Talking about the coalition PP-PSOE, of course.

                                          By A.R

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016


SONG: John Williams - Duel of the Fates

From all the wonderful places which exist in our galaxy, going from the endless forests of Endor, to the breathtaking landscapes of Kashyyk or to the spotless snow slopes of Hoth, surprisingly enough, my favourite one is the planet Tatooine.

Many people may be surprised by the fact that I sometimes enjoy getting into my spaceship, a modified Firespray-31, in order to travel all the way to the Outer Rim region just to hang out on the dusty big old planet which is Tatooine.  ‘Why dusty and old?’, you may wonder. Well, that is because Tatooine is basically a huge desert. Anywhere you look at there is just sand, sand, and more sand. If you are lucky, you might run into a couple of banthas from time to time, which are huge hairy animals with long curved horns. But do not get too close to them, as they are often looked after by tuskens, and they are not very kind to strangers. However, when the sky starts getting dark, just as the night is about to fall, you can get to appreciate both of Tatooine’s suns stained in red and orange, and surrounded by an extremely impressive yellow sky. Very few have given the deserved value to such phenomenon, but I can ensure that it is one of the most beautiful sights that I have ever witnessed.

Despite the beauty of this planet, the truly important reason that makes this place especially significant to me are the people who live there. Although places like Mos Eisley are infested by all kinds of social renegades like pirates, smugglers or criminals, you can sometimes meet pretty interesting individuals. When I was younger, I met a small kid called Anakin whom I helped to build a racing pod. He was extremely cute, as he constantly repeated that he wanted to win his freedom by winning a real podrace… How ingenious of him! I also remember that he was rather scary when he got angry, as I once saw him choking a guy without touching him while he breathed strangely, deeply…

  On another occasion, a lot of years later, I got to talk with a couple of smugglers who were very funny: a guy called Solo and his wookie friend. They were quite weird, as they told me that their bird-named spaceship could overtake the speed of light! Come on! Everybody knows that is impossible!

All in all, I believe that Tatooine is a very especial place to visit, and I strongly recommend that, if you ever get the chance to pilot your own spaceship, you head straight there in order to behold the secrets that this planet keeps.

                                                               By SPA

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

107. DESCRIPTION OF A PHOTOGRAPHY, by SPA (Bachillerato 2)

    SONG:  Eminem - Business

This picture is really interesting, as it is showing us lots of different situations with a pretty simple image.

In the photography there are two different elements which attract our attention a great deal; that causes the background to be almost meaningless. This whole backdrop is out of focus, which makes it rather blurred. However, we can distinguish an asphalt road and some grass next to it.

The main figure of the picture is located on its right half, and it is a bust shot of a young Caucasian woman. Her face shows temperance and calmness, as her eyes point forward, letting us know that she is not afraid or unhappy, but not extremely excited either. Her hair is brown and straight, and she is not using make up. Concerning her clothes, she is wearing a shirt with white and red squares, and over it, a white thin jacket. Around her neck she has a quite simple necklace, which appears to be made of silver, and which is composed of a chain and a little cross.

The second figure, however, is on the left half of the image, and it is important to point out that it is out of focus. Nevertheless, we can appreciate a woman and a man who are tightly holding each other, allowing us to assume that they are a couple. The male is slightly taller tan his girlfriend, and he has white skin and short blond hair. He is wearing a green coat and jeans. On the other hand, the woman has long light-brown hair, and she is also Caucasian. She is wearing what appears to be a white shirt, with a denim coat over it, and jeans.

This image is peculiar owing to the contrast between the couple, who are in love hugging one another, and the woman who is alone. Nevertheless, the relaxed face of the lonely woman lets us infer that she is not unhappy without a boyfriend, as she is independent and smart.

Maybe, this photo wants to convince young people not to feel miserable if they do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend and, instead, to encourage them to feel happy and comfortable without taking part in a sentimental relationship.

                                                                       By SPA

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

106. DESCRIPTION OF A PHOTOGRAPHY , by S.E (Bachillerato 2)

       SONG: Rogue Wave - Eyes

In the background of the photo I can see a couple who is hugging and kissing each other. In the foreground, there is a lonely girl who is the same age as the couple, more or less. She has a lost look in her eyes, probably avoiding to look at the couple.

I don’t think that the guy was her boyfriend and they broke up and now he has a new girlfriend. I believe that she is in love with the boy but she didn’t tell him anything, and now that he has a girlfriend she regrets she didn’t tell him anything about her feelings before. I think she is extremely jealous of the girl who is next to the boy and she is thinking something like: “I hope she breaks both legs and arms, her boyfriend gets tired of her and I can tell him what I feel”.

I don’t think that the jealous girl is going to say anything to the couple as she seems to be the kind of person who doesn’t express her feelings. However, I think that if the couple don’t break up soon, she is going to explode and she is going to start screaming what she feels to the boy and then kill the girl.

                                                                                     By S.E