viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

149. DESCRIPTION OF A CLASSMATE I ADMIRE , by A.M.A ( Bachillerato 1)

SONG: GIORGIA - Gocce di memoria

My friend´s name is Sara. She is sixteen years old and she lives in Guarnizo. We have been friends for years and she´s one of the smartest people I have ever met.

Sara is very short and she has got long brown hair. She usually straightens it as she´s got frizzy hair. She always wears brand new clothes and dark glasses.

Sara is a very nice girl. She´s very hardworking, responsible and organized. However, she´s a little bit shy, but this is not a problem because we can spend hours and hours laughing and watching funny videos. She cares about her studies, she´s really brilliant. Sara loves arts and Lady Gaga is her favourite singer. She´s so intelligent that I used to tell her that one day, she would become the best president in the world.

Sara doesn´t talk too much with the people that she doesn´t know very well. At the beginning, we didn´t talk too much but when we were in third of ESO we became best friends.

Sara motivates me to study as I want to be as clever as she is. She´s a cheerful and energetic person with a great sense of humor.

Now we study in different high schools, and she´s going to move to Germany soon. However, I hope to keep in touch with her since I consider her the greatest person I know. 

She will always have a place in my heart.

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