martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

110. THE WORLD IN THE YEAR 2050 , by A.R (Bachillerato 2)

SONG: Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms

By 2050 mankind might have witnessed many things, and not all of them desirable. It depends on what of the present factors are developed and in what ways. For example, by then, we could be colonizing Mars as a result of the necessity of a non-polluted planet, or we could be under the shadow of the growing Global North Korean Empire. Who knows?

In my opinion, by then, science will have solved many of our current largest problems such as the huge cattle’s methane emissions, or the eternal debate about the question “Goku or Superman?”, and that, as far as I can see, will help humanity to gather under a common flag and fight against the aliens which (of course) will have come to explore us with their sophisticated neutrinos anal catheters. Actually, the aliens will come from Sinmorphotely, a destroyed system orbiting Alpha-Taurus-57229 (called by them Zatpek), looking for a carbon-based way of life with which they can be nourished. After a short but intense war led in the human block by a coalition PP-PSOE, we will be defeated and enslaved as herd for the sinmorfotelians, and damned to an everlasting condition of breed of a homeless wandering race in the cold colossal deceased space. We will wake up and look around us, we will be lost in the space, and the time will be our own…

That is what will happen in 2050. It has been revealed to me just like that in dreams, when the stars look different, like today, and when Zatpek lines up with Arcturus and Polaris. But please, say nothing to the doctor, he thinks I am mad, he says Philosophy classes are driving me crazy. Do you believe it? He says it is impossible. Talking about the coalition PP-PSOE, of course.

                                          By A.R

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